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راديو الإسلام في جنوب افريقيا

-إستمع  للإذاعة - الراديو الآن popout

Radio Islam aims to promote the message of Islam. It has also become synonymous with Islamic values and a tool to dispel misconceptions relating to Islam and Muslims in South Africa and abroad. The station has become a beacon of guidance and an invitation to the world. Through the broadcast of high quality info-edutainment, Radio Islam has become a bridge a cross the community divide. Radio Islam is opposed to discrimination based on gender, race, political persuasion, class, religion, belief, language and disability. The station has lived up to the adage, "Your Favourite Learning Station".

الموقع الرسمي لإذاعة : راديو الإسلام في جنوب افريقيا : Site


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