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-إستمع  للإذاعة - الراديو الآن popout


30 years ago our little posse began what could be termed as nothing less than the ‘Dubai Expat Entertainment Revolution’ but we were so much more than that. We won’t lie. In the beginning we were like a child with a new toy… experimenting with a bit of everything; techno, dance, western, pop, grunge blah blah blah. But then we had an epiphany…

Now that we have grown up and sorted ourselves out, we have come into our primo sensation. Don’t worry folks, Dubai 92 is the same music and entertainment brand you love but so much better!

“What is it about Dubai 92 that is so compelling?” people ask. Is it the ridiculously funny on-air antics? Could it be the brilliant music? Or is it the divine synergy of an unlikely group of radio personalities pouring out their souls to the people each and every day, combined with music that is soundtrack to people’s lives?

No one will ever really know but they feel it, we can assure you of that.
حسب موقع الإذاعة

الموقع الرسمي لإذاعة : Dubai92


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