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Radio Orient Lebanon

-إستمع  للإذاعة - الراديو الآن popout


About Us Radio Orient began broadcasting from Beirut in February 1995 on 88.3 FM and 88.7 FM and across the world on Future Television’s satellite channel- 7.02 Megahertz. The station is located at Australia Street in the Rawche district of the Lebanese capital.

Stay Informed The station covers all issues related to the Arab world, with a special focus on Lebanon. Radio Orient’s slogan is ‘news on the hour every hour.’ Radio Orient broadcasts news updates on the hour, and has seven main newscasts in Arabic, as well as two bulletins in English and French. The morning show, Al-Nashra Al-Moustamera, includes news updates, analysis, guests and a review of the daily press. At eight PM, Radio Orient broadcasts Future Television’s main Arabic news show live.

Programs The station airs a variety of entertainment, political, and sports shows, and provides listeners with a wide array of modern and classical Arabic and Western music. The station boasts many live call-in programs, allowing listeners to participate in our shows. Radio Orient also has a vast network of local and international correspondents, and is now Lebanon’s fastest growing radio station.
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الموقع الرسمي لإذاعة : إذاعة الشرق من لبنان

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