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راديو روتانا من الأردن

-إستمع  للإذاعة روتانا من الأردن - الراديو الآن popout

Rotana : We built the largest libraries of Arabic films and music. Also we are the largest producer of new films, music records and video clips. We carefully acquired this content and added to it. Rotana is established as the largest and single most successful Arab media company in the Middle East, with offices in Jeddah, Kuwait, Dubai, Beirut and Cairo. But our reach extents for further than that – we dominate the Arabic movie world, we supply broadcast and cable television services across the Middle East, North Africa and into southern Europe. Our music publishing and sales operation adds third party distribution partners throughout the rest of Europe and North America, and we’re about to add South America.

الموقع الرسمي لإذاعة : راديو روتانا من الأردن

Rotana Style - Syria

-إستمع  للإذاعة روتانا ستايل سوريا - الراديو الآن popout

Rotana Style was established in 2006 powered by Al Kanar Group as a private radio station in Syria, with the exclusive transmission on FM wave, frequency 105-103,3 MHZ stereo As a private radio station in Syria we believe we play a very important role at national and soon at international levels.
Thus, Rotana Style plays music, and covers news 24 hours a day, supported by a professional team of inspired Salespeople, Marketers, Producers, Technicians, DJ’s, Broadcasters and Top Management ethically servicing our listeners and clients!

الموقع الرسمي لإذاعة : روتانا ستايل سوريا


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