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Radio Sawt-al-Madenah

-إستمع  للإذاعة - الراديو الآن popout


راديو صوت المدينة إنطلق في عمان في الثامن من شهر أذار "مارس" ألفين وسبعة .لاستكمال رسالة المجموعة و مخاطبة الرأي العام بشرائحه المختلفة ,بالصوت المخدوم بالتكنولوجيا الحديثة ,لتقديم نشرات اخبارية وبرامج حوارية ترفيهية ..رياضية وتثقيفية ودينية ومسابقات .وحرصت صوت المدينة على التعاقد مع خبرات اذاعية وهندسية منافسة معروفة و مألوفة قريبة من مزاج الشارع الأردني ..
يبث الراديو على التردد 88.7 و يغطي عمان و الزرقاء و مادبا والسلط و جزءا من جرش,فيما سيتم خلال العام العام الحالي 2009 توسيع دائرة البث لتغطي شمال المملكة في اربد على تردد 93.3 و جرش وعجلون والرمثا و المفرق.والإذاعة التي ترفع شعارة صوت المدينة صوتك ,اضافة الى كادرها البشري المميز بتكنولوجيا رقمية متطورة
Sawt Al-Madenah Radio
The radio launched its broadcast on march 8, 2007 to continue deliverance of the group's message and to address various of general opinion with spoken words enhanced with modern technology, presenting news bulletins, talk shows, sports, religion and quiz shows. The radio has contracted with the best competitive voices well-known to the Jordanian street. The radio broadcasts on the frequency 88.7 FM covering Amman, Zarqa, Mdaba and As-Sult. Also, the broadcast has been expanded to cover northern Jordan as of this year 2009.
In addition to its extensive human staff, the radio station is equipped with advanced deigital technology. Its slogan is "Sawt Al_Madenah: Your Voice".
The Sawt Al-Madenah Radio is equipped with enormous capabilities. It is the only station to equip three studios with supervision of Germany's Law and France's Netya with the best equipment in the Middle East. It won The Digital-Studio industry Leadership Awars 2007 at a huge ceremony held in Dubai on March 7, 2007, where it received the prize for Middle East's best radio station equipment for that year.
The Station is managed by a new generation of media professional, who are well-qualified for rational dialogue and work hard for excellence and leadership.
In order to ensure the quality and stability of the radio broadcast, Sawt Al-Madenah Radio was the only private local station to have its building where it installed a 50-meter high broadcast tower.
Because Sawt Al-Madenah is true radio station, not just interim project, it was licensed as a political talkative and entertaining comprehensive station that serves all segments of the society, particularly young people, women and businessmen, and presents, and presents a distinctive media service capable of attacting listeners with its professional interactive sevices, also able to generate new listeners.
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الموقع الرسمي لإذاعة : صوت المدينة

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